Recently, a lot of students from J&H Dance School have participated in various dance competitions regionally or nationwide. Many of them have obtained remarkable awards, especially during the Showstoppers competition in Mid April, in which more than 30 students attended the competition and won gold, platinum, and double platinum cups. Some parents of the participants suggested have a showcase performance to be attended by the award-winners. The suggestion has been responded actively by many parents.
The performance has been scheduled at 3:30 pm on Saturday May 25 (Memorial Weekend), at Spring Branch Middle School, 1000 Piney Point Drive, Houston, TX 77024. This event is solely initiated and organized by the parents as volunteers, and co-funded by each of the student's family. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for the students/competitors to show their dance to the teachers, parents, and fellow students, to exchange ideas, skills and learn from each other among themselves, and broaden their vision.
The organizing committee welcomes all J&H students and their parents to come and enjoy the show. To help cover some cost such as site rental fees, the committee decides to collect a symbolic fee of $2 per ticket. Tickets are available at the school's reception desk, or on the performance site. We believe that it will be a great and enjoyable event for all the students, and thank you for your support.
近年来,周洁晓慧舞蹈学校的很多学生在老师们的指导下,参加了美国不同舞蹈团体举办的大型舞蹈比赛,并取得了优异的成绩。尤其是今年四月中旬的SHOWSTOPPERS比赛,参加人数之多,获得得奖项之多,几乎创纪录,在休斯敦华人及美国舞蹈学校参赛者中不愧为佼佼者。为了让同学们在一起回顾这些比赛的盛况,一些参赛学生的家长倡议组织一场题为“精品荟萃”的演出,让孩子们有一个互相交流,互相学习,增进友谊的机会,也当作一场她们给老师和家长的汇报演出。这场晚会有两个特色,一是完全由学生家长倡导组织和倾力协作举办,家长们自行策划,自筹资金,包办了全部后勤支撑工作。二是所有作品都参加过大型的舞蹈比赛, 并获得不同种类的奖项。这里的每一个舞蹈,都凝聚了老师的精心制作,家长的全力支持,更饱含了每一位演员的艰苦付出。我们希望这场节目能够给每一个参与的老师,家长和演员带来快乐,也给每一位观众带来美的享受。欢迎有兴趣并为小朋友喝彩加油的同学和家长们前来观摹演出。演出票每张象征性收费$2,可在学校办公室或现场购买。演出时间为5月25日下午三点半,地点为Spring Branch Middle School, 1000 Piney Point Drive, Houston, Texas 77024。